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Database Programming Tools

SA Companion

Sybase, Inc

SA Companion is the only operational control environment that meets theproductivity demands of SQL system administrators. Fully integrated, SACompanion aids system administrators in managing complex server networksCompanion's intuitive window-driven interface permits systemadministrators, even those new to the role, to quickly learn to masterthe art of SQL system administration. With SA Companion, you canconfigure and control multiple servers without learning or recallingsyntax for dozens of SQL commands or system procedure calls. SA Companioneven creates data definition language (DDL) scripts that can be used torecreate the entire server environment. SA Companion organizes thefunctions of SQL system administration into the following categories,each accessible from the main SA Companion menu: server, device, user,and database management.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3

Sybase, Inc
6475 Christi Ave
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: (510) 596-3500
        (800) 8 SYBASE
Fax: (510) 596-4747